Hillerød Walk

Hillerød Walk

We recently took a short trip to Denmark, my second, and my wife’s first trip. We had Hillerød and the Frederiksborg Castle on the must visit list.  We had a great time in Frederiksborg Castle, I am working on that post and video, it will follow soon. I hope you...
Day 7: The Kastellet and Harbor

Day 7: The Kastellet and Harbor

Walk to the Kastellet  The last full day of my trip to Copenhagen; this is a beautiful city that I hope to return to in the next couple of years or sooner (wink wink).  This was the furthest North I have ever been on the ground; polar flights don’t count,...
Day 5: Malmö, More Like Malnö!

Day 5: Malmö, More Like Malnö!

Introduction It is Thursday, and there are only two full days left in Copenhagen; before my Sunday return home, I figure it is time to get one of the things I wanted to do off my list: go to Malmö, Sweden, check it out, and check out the Turning Torso building. ...